Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/11/2018 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
18-3470 1 Service Award-Symowicz-5 yearsRecognition5-year Service Award, Audrey Symowicz, Administrative Coordinator   Action details Not available
18-3477 1  AgreementApprove Property and Liability Insurance for Fiscal Year 2019approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-3471 1 James KrautAppointmentReappoint James Kraut to the Venice Housing Authority to Serve a Term from October 1, 2018 until September 30, 2022approved on the Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
18-3472 1 Barbara FraserAppointmentReappoint Barbara Fraser to the Fire Pension Board of Trustees to Serve a Term from October 1, 2018 until September 30, 2022approved on the Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
18-3473 1 Joseph DaltonAppointmentReappoint Joseph Dalton to the Venice Housing Authority to Serve a Term from October 1, 2018 until September 30, 2022approved on the Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
18-3474 1 MinutesMinutesMinutes of the August 20, 2018 Red Tide Special Meeting, August 27, 2018 Private Attorney Client Session, and August 28, 2018 Regular Meetingapproved on the Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
CON. NO. 131-2018 1 East Gate WM Replacement Phase 1ContractApproval of Contract With Andrew Site Work, LLC in The Amount of $1,017,286.64 for East Gate Water Main Replacement, Phase 1approved on the Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
CON. NO. 130-2018 1 SRO VehiclesContractDonation of Police Rated Vehicles to the Sarasota County Schools Police Departmentapproved  Action details Video Video
CON. NO. 130-2018 1 SRO VehiclesContractDonation of Police Rated Vehicles to the Sarasota County Schools Police DepartmentapprovedPass Action details Video Video
ORD. NO. 2018-18 1 Solid WasteOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Venice, Sarasota County, Florida, Amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 54, Solid Waste; Including Definitions; Prohibited Actions; Storage, Preparation, and Collection of Solid Waste and Recycling; and Increasing Rates and Charges for Solid Waste, Recycling, and Roll Off Service; Providing for Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; Providing for Severability and Providing for an Effective Dateapproved and adoptedPass Action details Video Video
ORD. NO. 2018-28 2  OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Venice, Florida Amending the Code of Ordinances Chapter 86, Land Development Code, Article VI, Design and Development Standards, Division 2, Subdivision Design Standards, Section 86-231, Plat Requirements; Providing for Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; Providing For Severability; and Providing an Effective Dateapproved and adoptedPass Action details Video Video
ORD. NO. 2018-29 1 Naming Parks and FacilitiesOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Venice, Florida, Amending Chapter 46, Parks and Recreation, Article I, in General, by Adding Section 46-5, Naming or Renaming a City-Owned Facility or Park; Providing for Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; Providing for Severability; and Providing for an Effective Dateapproved and adopted  Action details Video Video
ORD. NO. 2018-29 1 Naming Parks and FacilitiesOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Venice, Florida, Amending Chapter 46, Parks and Recreation, Article I, in General, by Adding Section 46-5, Naming or Renaming a City-Owned Facility or Park; Providing for Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; Providing for Severability; and Providing for an Effective Dateapproved and adoptedPass Action details Video Video
ORD. NO. 2018-30 1 Cross ConnectionOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Venice, Florida, Amending Chapter 74, Utilities, Article I, In General, Article II, Water, Article III, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, Article IV, Reclaimed Water System, by Modifying Utility Rates and Charges, Defining Maintenance Responsibilities and the Cross-Connection Control Manual; Providing for Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; Providing for Severability and Providing for an Effective Dateapproved and adopted  Action details Video Video
ORD. NO. 2018-30 1 Cross ConnectionOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Venice, Florida, Amending Chapter 74, Utilities, Article I, In General, Article II, Water, Article III, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, Article IV, Reclaimed Water System, by Modifying Utility Rates and Charges, Defining Maintenance Responsibilities and the Cross-Connection Control Manual; Providing for Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; Providing for Severability and Providing for an Effective Dateapproved and adoptedPass Action details Video Video
ORD. NO. 2018-30 1 Cross ConnectionOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Venice, Florida, Amending Chapter 74, Utilities, Article I, In General, Article II, Water, Article III, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, Article IV, Reclaimed Water System, by Modifying Utility Rates and Charges, Defining Maintenance Responsibilities and the Cross-Connection Control Manual; Providing for Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; Providing for Severability and Providing for an Effective Date   Action details Video Video
RES. NO. 2018-23 1 FertilizerResolutionA Resolution of the City of Venice, Florida, Encouraging the Non-Use of Fertilizers Year Round; Directing Staff to Develop an Educational Program; and Providing an Effective Dateapproved and adopted  Action details Video Video
RES. NO. 2018-23 1 FertilizerResolutionA Resolution of the City of Venice, Florida, Encouraging the Non-Use of Fertilizers Year Round; Directing Staff to Develop an Educational Program; and Providing an Effective Dateapproved and adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES. NO. 2018-23 1 FertilizerResolutionA Resolution of the City of Venice, Florida, Encouraging the Non-Use of Fertilizers Year Round; Directing Staff to Develop an Educational Program; and Providing an Effective Date   Action details Video Video
18-3482 1 3 Amendments to PAA-Neal Communities-Recreational Property and RitcheyAgreementConsider First Amendment to Pre-Annexation Agreement between the City of Venice and Sarasota County Public Hospital District, a Body Corporate Under the Laws of the State of Florida, Successor in Title and Interest to Lloyd P. Miller, as Successor Trustee of Trust Number 1-A and 1-D and Osprey Land Trust, a Florida General PartnershipapprovedPass Action details Video Video
ORD. NO. 2018-32 1 HPB TaxationOrdinanceAn Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Venice, Florida, Chapter 66, Taxation, to add Article VII, Historic Preservation Ad Valorem Tax Exemption; Providing for Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; Providing for Severability and Providing for an Effective Dateapproved on first reading and scheduled for final reading  Action details Video Video
ORD. NO. 2018-32 1 HPB TaxationOrdinanceAn Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Venice, Florida, Chapter 66, Taxation, to add Article VII, Historic Preservation Ad Valorem Tax Exemption; Providing for Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; Providing for Severability and Providing for an Effective Dateapproved on first reading and scheduled for final readingPass Action details Video Video
RES. NO. 2018-24 1 ElectionResolutionA Resolution Providing for the City of Venice General Municipal Election to be Held on November 6, 2018, to Elect Two Councilmembers, for Three-Year Terms; and Designating Polling Places for the Election; and Providing an Effective Dateapproved and adoptedPass Action details Video Video
18-3475 1 Red TideAgreementAction to Deter the Impact of Red Tide in the Gulf (Daniels)   Action details Video Video
18-3475 1 Red TideAgreementAction to Deter the Impact of Red Tide in the Gulf (Daniels)   Action details Video Video
18-3475 1 Red TideAgreementAction to Deter the Impact of Red Tide in the Gulf (Daniels)   Action details Video Video
18-3475 1 Red TideAgreementAction to Deter the Impact of Red Tide in the Gulf (Daniels)approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-3459 1 Vehicles for HireAgreementDirection on Whether to Continue Regulating Vehicles for Hire or Discontinue Those Regulations (Stelzer)approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-3476 1 2019 Legislative PrioritiesAgreementApprove 2019 State Legislative Prioritiesapproved  Action details Video Video
18-3476 1 2019 Legislative PrioritiesAgreementApprove 2019 State Legislative Prioritiesapproved  Action details Video Video
18-3478 1 Impact FeesAgreementMobility and Park Impact Fee Process and Procedures (Cautero)approved  Action details Video Video
18-3478 1 Impact FeesAgreementMobility and Park Impact Fee Process and Procedures (Cautero)approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-3479 1 Triangle Inn LightingAgreementDirect the City Manager to Request Information from Sarasota County Regarding Replacing 4 Lights in Front of the Triangle Inn with LED Lights (Daniels)approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-3480 1 Mooring FieldAgreementSolution for the Mooring Field (Holic)approved  Action details Video Video
18-3480 1 Mooring FieldAgreementSolution for the Mooring Field (Holic)   Action details Video Video
18-3481 1 EV PurchasingAgreementDirect Staff to Review Request to Join Climate Mayors EV Purchasing Collaborative (Holic)approved  Action details Video Video
18-3481 1 EV PurchasingAgreementDirect Staff to Review Request to Join Climate Mayors EV Purchasing Collaborative (Holic)approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-3481 1 EV PurchasingAgreementDirect Staff to Review Request to Join Climate Mayors EV Purchasing Collaborative (Holic)   Action details Video Video
ORD. NO. 2018-31 1 SMH PAAOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Venice, Florida, Amending Ordinance No. 2002-48, Which Adopted a Pre-Annexation Agreement with Lloyd P. Miller, as Successor Trustee of Trust Number 1-A and 1-D and Osprey Land Trust, a Florida General Partnership; by Adopting an Amendment to the Pre-Annexation Agreement to Modify Section 2 of the Pre-Annexation Agreement; Providing for Conflicts Herewith; Providing for Severability; and Providing for an Effective Dateapproved on first reading and scheduled for final readingPass Action details Video Video
ORD. NO. 2018-31 1 SMH PAAOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Venice, Florida, Amending Ordinance No. 2002-48, Which Adopted a Pre-Annexation Agreement with Lloyd P. Miller, as Successor Trustee of Trust Number 1-A and 1-D and Osprey Land Trust, a Florida General Partnership; by Adopting an Amendment to the Pre-Annexation Agreement to Modify Section 2 of the Pre-Annexation Agreement; Providing for Conflicts Herewith; Providing for Severability; and Providing for an Effective Date   Action details Video Video
18-3483 1  Board Member ReportUpdate on Pocket Park Encroachments   Action details Video Video
18-3484 1  Board Member ReportAuthority to Regulate Open Burning   Action details Video Video
18-3465 1 EDCBoard Member ReportEconomic Development Corporation (EDC)   Action details Not available
18-3464 1 Habitat for HumanityBoard Member ReportHabitat for Humanity Project   Action details Not available