| 1 | | 6/15 CC Meeting Instructions | Agreement | Meeting Instructions and Request to Speak Form | | |
Action details
Not available
ORD. NO. 2023-11
| 1 | | Milano PUD Zoning Map Amendment 22-38RZ | Ordinance | An Ordinance of the City of Venice, Florida, Granting Zoning Map Amendment Petition No. 22-38RZ for the Milano Planned Unit Development (PUD) Located at Laurel Road and Jacaranda Boulevard, by Changing the Land Use Designation for an Approximately 10.42 Acres Parcel from Open Space to Commercial and Amending the Milano PUD Binding Master Plan (BMP) to Allow for Commercial Development; Providing for Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; Providing for Severability; and Providing an Effective Date (Quasi-judicial) | | |
Action details
Not available