Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/25/2020 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers and Virtual Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
20-4639 1 Instructions for the public 08-25-20 CCAgreementInstructions on How to Watch and/or Participate in the Meeting   Action details Not available
20-4641 1 Carol OrensteinAppointmentAppoint Carol Orenstein to the Historic Preservation Board to Complete the Unexpired Term of Patricia Shreeve from August 25, 2020 Until January 31, 2023approved on the Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
20-4643 1 Agreement for Acceptance of Funds in Lieu of Constructed Sidewalk for Parkside CottagesAgreementApproval to Accept Funds in the Amount of $3,487.50 in Lieu of Constructed Sidewalk along Substation Road (Parkside Cottages)approved on the Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
20-4645 1 Resiliency Plan - DEP Grant Agreement No. R2109AgreementAuthorize the Mayor to Execute the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection Grant Work Plan DEP Agreement No. R2109 in the Amount of $75,000 for Completion of a Vulnerability Assessment and Final Resiliency Planapproved on the Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
20-4646 1 FOP ContractsAgreementApprove Collective Bargaining Agreement with Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Sergeants and Lieutenants for Fiscal Years 2021 and 2022approved on the Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
20-4644 1 SC Funding Agreement - Laurel Road Prelim. DesignAgreementAuthorize the Mayor to Execute Locally Funded Agreement Between Sarasota County, Florida, and the City of Venice, Florida, for the Preliminary Design of Improvements on Laurel Road in the Amount of $400,000approved  Action details Video Video
20-4644 1 SC Funding Agreement - Laurel Road Prelim. DesignAgreementAuthorize the Mayor to Execute Locally Funded Agreement Between Sarasota County, Florida, and the City of Venice, Florida, for the Preliminary Design of Improvements on Laurel Road in the Amount of $400,000approvedPass Action details Video Video
20-4640 1 Samantha GentrupAppointmentAppoint Samantha Gentrup to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to Complete the Unexpired Term of Joan Piper from August 25, 2020 Until August 31, 2021   Action details Video Video
20-4640 1 Samantha GentrupAppointmentAppoint Samantha Gentrup to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to Complete the Unexpired Term of Joan Piper from August 25, 2020 Until August 31, 2021approvedPass Action details Video Video
20-4640 1 Samantha GentrupAppointmentAppoint Samantha Gentrup to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to Complete the Unexpired Term of Joan Piper from August 25, 2020 Until August 31, 2021approvedPass Action details Video Video
20-4642 1 MinutesMinutesMinutes of the July 14, 2020 Regular Meeting, and July 21, 2020 and August 3, 2020 Special Meetingsapproved  Action details Video Video
20-4642 1 MinutesMinutesMinutes of the July 14, 2020 Regular Meeting, and July 21, 2020 and August 3, 2020 Special MeetingsapprovedPass Action details Video Video
20-4642 1 MinutesMinutesMinutes of the July 14, 2020 Regular Meeting, and July 21, 2020 and August 3, 2020 Special Meetings   Action details Video Video
ORD. NO. 2020-24 1 Mask OrdinanceOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Venice, Florida, Requiring Face Coverings as More Fully Specified Herein; Allowing for Exceptions to the Face Covering Requirement; Providing a Penalty for Violation; Providing for Severability; Providing for Reading by Title Only; and Providing for an Effective Dateapproved and adopted  Action details Video Video
ORD. NO. 2020-24 1 Mask OrdinanceOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Venice, Florida, Requiring Face Coverings as More Fully Specified Herein; Allowing for Exceptions to the Face Covering Requirement; Providing a Penalty for Violation; Providing for Severability; Providing for Reading by Title Only; and Providing for an Effective Dateapproved and adoptedPass Action details Video Video
ORD. NO. 2020-24 1 Mask OrdinanceOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Venice, Florida, Requiring Face Coverings as More Fully Specified Herein; Allowing for Exceptions to the Face Covering Requirement; Providing a Penalty for Violation; Providing for Severability; Providing for Reading by Title Only; and Providing for an Effective Date   Action details Video Video
ORD. NO. 2020-23 1 Casto Annexation (2501 & 2601 Curry Lane)OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Venice, Florida, Annexing Certain Lands Lying Contiguous to the City Limits, Pursuant to Petition No. 20-01AN by Marilyn Johnson, Successor Trustee, of that Certain Revocable Trust Agreement, Known as "Trust Number 2020089", U/A/D, January 13, 1983, and as Amended March 21, 1991 and Brian McMurphy, into the Corporate Limits of the City of Venice, Florida, and Redefining the Boundary Lines of the City to Include Said Additions; Providing for Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; Providing for Severability; and Providing for an Effective Dateapproved on first reading and scheduled for final reading  Action details Video Video
ORD. NO. 2020-23 1 Casto Annexation (2501 & 2601 Curry Lane)OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Venice, Florida, Annexing Certain Lands Lying Contiguous to the City Limits, Pursuant to Petition No. 20-01AN by Marilyn Johnson, Successor Trustee, of that Certain Revocable Trust Agreement, Known as "Trust Number 2020089", U/A/D, January 13, 1983, and as Amended March 21, 1991 and Brian McMurphy, into the Corporate Limits of the City of Venice, Florida, and Redefining the Boundary Lines of the City to Include Said Additions; Providing for Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; Providing for Severability; and Providing for an Effective Dateapproved on first reading and scheduled for final readingPass Action details Video Video
20-4648 1 Approve Old Betsy Display BuildingPresentation with ActionEarl Midlam and James Clinch, Director of Public Works & Asset Management: Approval of the "Old Betsy" Display Building Conceptual Plan (10 min.)approved  Action details Video Video
20-4648 1 Approve Old Betsy Display BuildingPresentation with ActionEarl Midlam and James Clinch, Director of Public Works & Asset Management: Approval of the "Old Betsy" Display Building Conceptual Plan (10 min.)approvedPass Action details Video Video
20-4648 1 Approve Old Betsy Display BuildingPresentation with ActionEarl Midlam and James Clinch, Director of Public Works & Asset Management: Approval of the "Old Betsy" Display Building Conceptual Plan (10 min.)   Action details Video Video
ORD. NO. 2020-22 1 VDHR DonationsOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Venice, Florida, Amending the Code of Ordinances Chapter 2, Administration, Article IX, Donations, to Allow for Donations of Historical Items; Providing for Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; Providing for Severability and Providing An Effective Dateapproved on first reading and scheduled for final readingPass Action details Video Video
ORD. NO. 2020-25 1 Code Enforcement OrdinanceOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Venice, Florida, Amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2, Administration, Article VI, Code Enforcement to Provide for a Special Magistrate; Amending Chapter 70, Traffic and Vehicles, Article II, Stopping, Standing and Parking Division 1, Generally to Add Section 70-37, Appeals; Providing for Repeal of All Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; Providing for Severability and Providing for an Effective Dateapproved on first reading and scheduled for final reading  Action details Video Video
RES. NO. 2020-28 1 VDHR Collection Policy ResolutionResolutionA Resolution of the City of Venice, Florida Adopting a Collection Policy; and Providing for An Effective Dateapproved and adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES. NO. 2020-27 1 Vicenza Subphase 1-2b Turnover ResolutionResolutionA Resolution of the City of Venice, Florida, Accepting Utilities and Improvements Installed by Pamlico Point Management, LLC and Accepting a One Year Developers Maintenance Bond and Bill of Sale, and Providing an Effective Date (Vicenza Sub-Phase #1-2b)approved and adoptedPass Action details Video Video
20-4647 1 Development Services Fee StudiesPresentation with ActionPlanning Manager Roger Clark, Building Official Greg Schneider, and Bruce Cowans, MGT Consulting Group: Review Development Services Fee Study and Request Approval for Staff to Draft a Fee Schedule Resolution (30 min.)   Action details Not available
20-4649 1 Quarterly Financial Report August 2020PresentationFinance Director Linda Senne: Quarterly Financial Report (10 min.)   Action details Video Video
20-4650 1 Budget ChangesAgreementApprove Changes to FY2021 Proposed Budget Since Budget WorkshopsapprovedPass Action details Video Video
20-4651 1 COVID-19 Response & Actions 08-25-20AgreementResponse and Actions Related to COVID-19   Action details Video Video
20-4652 1 Fiedler Request - Roberts RulesAgreementDiscuss Robert's Rules of Order (Fiedler)   Action details Video Video
20-4653 1 Fiedler Request - Maintenance of StreetlightsAgreementDiscuss Establishing an Account with Funds Received from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for the Maintenance of Streetlights in the City (Fiedler)   Action details Video Video