File #: 23-6323    Version: 1 Name: Parks ILA with Sarasota County
Type: Presentation with Action Status: Passed
File created: 11/8/2023 In control: Public Works
On agenda: 11/28/2023 Final action: 11/28/2023
Title: James Clinch, Assistant City Manager and Ricky Simpson, Director of Public Works and Asset Management: Parks Interlocal Agreement With Sarasota County (45 min.)
Attachments: 1. Memorandum, 2. Presentation, 3. County Proposal Letter - July 2023, 4. City Letter - April 2023, 5. Cost Estimate Table - Public Works.pdf, 6. Wellfield Park Location Map, 7. Regional Parks Map - Sarasota County, 8. Current 2011 Inter-Local Agreement, 9. City Manager Lavallee's Memo - August 30 2023, 10. County Expense Report FY22, 11. Presentation - Updated


James Clinch, Assistant City Manager and Ricky Simpson, Director of Public Works and Asset Management: Parks Interlocal Agreement With Sarasota County (45 min.)